Saturday, March 26, 2016

Unit 7 Reflection

This unit was about the different joints in your body, movements your joints can make, how stretching affects muscles, different types of muscles, the functions and features (find the actual word for this ya fuck) of muscles, how muscles work/what causes muscle contractions (we created videos illustrating it, the video will be below), major muscles of the body and what they do, a chicken dissection, how muscle fibers respond to different types of exercise, and what are the causes and effects of using performance enhancement substances (we created a advertisement for one). When you think of joints, you usually would think of your elbow, knee, shoulder, and hip as being examples of joints. But there are other joints that people wouldn't normally consider to be classified as a joint, like the small cube like bones that are in your hands and feet, between those are one of the lesser known type of joint. Something that I would have liked to know about is about the micro tears that happen in your muscles when you exercise and how it can either lead to injury or lead to strengthening of that muscle. But that seems to be my only unanswered question for this unit, that is unless it is covered in the next unit? Guess I'll find that out. As a student, I've learned to keep everything in kind of a schedule so I can get everything done in time while doing it well and with my best effort. I've been working on my new years goals and for the most part it has been going as planned and working.

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