Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Unit 3 Reflection

This unit was about blood, the circulatory system, the cardiovascular system, cardiovascular diseases, and a intro to the respiratory system. The cardiovascular system works by the heart pumping blood throughout the body by blood vessels called veins and arteries, they also go to the lungs to get oxygen in the body and take waste out of the body. Cardiovascular health is the health of your heart, blood, and blood vessels. Heart disease is either passed genetically or is gotten by unhealthy choices in food and lifestyle that then proceeds to cause problems within the cardiovascular system. A stroke is what happens when something is either completely blocking a artery or when there is a leak in the wall that can rupture. I can promote my own cardiovascular health by eating healthier and exercising more, lowering blood pressure and body fat, also to remove stressors from daily life. What I wonder about is how clogged up my arteries are, and I really don't want to find out. I'd say that my strengths in this unit were that I understood how the blood flows through the body and through the heart. My weaknesses though I would say were knowing all the different parts of the heart, knowing only the ones used in the flow of blood and not the others. I need to work on my health goals from unit 2, since of all my school work I've basically not been able to work on them.

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