Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Well, That Didn't Work

So, looking back at my last post about my project. About that program I was waiting for to download. Yeah, you see, it did not download at all, during the multiple hours I was letting it download. So I just ended up stopping the "download" and removed all of that completely from my computer. That being said, I know that Paint isn't the best thing to animate with and that it won't produce the best results that I could have been able to create if the other programs that I tried had worked. But seeing as they haven't worked for me at all, my only option is to use Paint and to try my best to go forth with the animation. Which so far has gone really well, except for the fact that I've had to delete the same frame twice since I've now ran into a part of the animation that I have no idea how to do the motion that I want to do. So this is going to be pretty interesting, I have to relearn how the head moves from a almost side view to a face on view, and all I can really say is that it's way harder than it sounds. I'll leave this with a sneak peak of the animation with a couple of frames that I have done.


  1. Looking forward to seeing the finished product. Stick with it.

  2. For the overall project are you going to try to create a short animation video?
