Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Unit 5 Reflection

This unit was about the digestive system, diabetes, the endocrine system, and the lymphatic system. We learned about the parts of the digestive system and what their job is, we also learned about how food travels through it. In the diabetes section we learned what causes it, the differences between type 1 and 2, and also what happens when their blood pressure and blood sugar becomes too low. And we also learned about the endocrine and lymphatic system, which we talked about what organs are part of that system, what the system does in the body, what hormones are used, and what those hormones do in our bodies. I would say that this unit went pretty well, but it could of gone smoother if it wasn't for mixing up all the hormones and parts of the endocrine and lymphatic systems. We did a lab where we measured out string to about the length of how long our whole digestive system would be, and that was pretty fun, especially when you got to see how something so big fits into a small portion of your body. I think learning more about what effects your metabolism and why those things effect it would be an interesting thing to learn about while learning about what your metabolism is. Looking back on my new year's goals, I've taken a stab at them, but I need to start working on them more when I can or else I won't be able to achieve them in a timely manner.Displaying IMG_0277.JPGDisplaying IMG_0282.JPG

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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Digestive System Lab

In the lab we measured out what would approximately be the length of our digestive system, using some colored ribbons and some string. I would have to say that my main take away from this lab was how something so big can fit into a tiny space in my body cavity. Displaying IMG_0277.JPGDisplaying IMG_0277.JPG
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My height compared to the length of my digestive system is really different, my digestive system is roughly 11 times longer than the space in me that it occupies. I think it's able to fit inside my abdomen because of the fact that it has all of the folds in the small intestine and large intestine to make them able to be compressed so they can fit into a small spot. I feel like it takes about five hours on average for food to move through the system. but it actually takes about six to eight hours for food to get through. The factors that would influence how long it took would be how complex the food was and what is it made of. Digestion is when food is mechanically and chemically broken down into smaller parts, this includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and small intestine. Absorption is when nutrients the body needs are taken in from what is left of the food, this includes the small intestine and the large intestine.

Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year's Goals

I will study more before the day of the actual test to get better test scores. To achieve this I will start studying many days in advance for the test, instead of just studying a couple days before and the day of the test. And to monitor this goal I'll check my test grades after every unit to see if there is any improvement in the scores.
I will continually prepare for my Anat/Phys final presentation. To achieve this I will start to plan out a presentation as I work on my project, editing the plan as I go. To monitor this I should be able to have my whole presentation done and ready to go well before the day that I have to present my project.